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Before making a single edit, Tropedia EXPECTS our site policy and manual of style to be followed. Running Gag: Many items are supposedly chosen because they caused something bad to happen to Dickson. Rockers Smash Guitars: Since Tom couldn't fit the Guitar Hero guitar into the blender, he did a Pete Townshend on it. Reduced to Dust: Almost every video involves grinding something to dust, and the host telling the audience not to breathe it in. Real Life Writes the Plot: Dickson's family members have sometimes influenced what he blends. He did it anyway, stating " Like that's gonna happen". Reality-Breaking Paradox: On December 21st, 2012, Tom decided to blend a Blendtec Total Blender, despite numerous warnings that the world would end if he did so. Put a Face on the Company: Tom Dickson is the legitimate founder and CEO of Blendtec. Product Placement: While the entire show is a plug for Blendtec, several companies have requested their products be blended for this purpose. It did fail to blend a Chuck Norris action figure & a block of boron steel, though. Made of Indestructium: The "Blend Tec Total Blender" has been shown blending things such as a Nokia 3310 and a Nintendo Wiimote. Loophole Abuse: Tom gets around dangerous warnings like "don't puncture or cut" with "well, it doesn't say don't blend!".
Hilarity Ensues: Dropping various non-food objects into the blender all for entertainment value as well as showing off the blender's power. Halloween Episode: The "Skeleton" Episode and "Tom's Hand". Foregone Conclusion: Most of the time, it will blend. Fakeout Opening: One video seems to start off by trying to blend a crowbar - until someone's phone goes off, so the phones get blended instead. Tom: You really don't wanna try this one at home.