Just click on the data file for voices (it may be called sounds, npc audio or the like)īefore editing the npc’s entry of choice, say Hadvar, duplicate his entry and use the duplicate as a test. It will keep bugging you about which game to extract. To start with you will need a program that can extract skyrim data files.

However these tutorials are great and I used these to learn about making new Audio for NEW npc’s, not existing ones And at the very least give you enough to go on to google bits of this and figure it out and make it work for you 🙂 (me and a house-mate spent a week on this). However, I have an untested method for this. Now, with this information at hand, making a unique npc a follower should be easy right? WRONG!!!! The basics bit was mainly just for people new to follower creation. If this does not make sense, just watch this instead 🙂Ģ=The not so basic stuff, covering audio for existing Npc’s without unique audio/ Making a new audio voice

As that probably was not explained very well, Please watch this video I used when learning this stuff. All you would have to do then would be to change their disposition to the player to 80, and make a new relationship in the relationships box on the side ck menu between the player and npc, set to ally. for now you need to know the below though.īy simply going into the factions section of an Npc entry, and adding “current follower faction” and making it rank -1, and then “potential follower faction” with the rank unchanged. Later on we will be picking through what one of these npc’s say, and taking words from them to form new audio. For example, Whilst Delphine cannot be a follower due to her unique voice, anyone who shares a voice with Farkas, such as half the god damn Nord male populace, can be. The main problem is that to make a follower, their voice type needs to have some dialogue for follower commands.

its section 3 where I start to not have as much experience in. parts 1 and 2 are stuff I know how to do, albeit it not masterfully. This is a problem myself, and a house-mate of mine have been trying to solve, and when someone I follow on Tumblr asked into it as well, I decided to look further into it, with notes I already had about this.

First of all this is not a definitive guide, but it is however my response to the problem many have with making a unique npc a follower.